Carlos Noronha Feio
Carlos Noronha Feio (Lisbon, 1981) lives and works in Lisbon. He studied in London, and completed his degree in Fine Arts and the masters degree in Fine Art Theory and Practice at Middlesex University, between 2001 and 2005. After a year at CCW Graduate School (UAL, 2010-2011), he completed his PHD at the Royal College of Art, in 2017. Using various media, like video, installation, performance, drawing, painting and photography, his work reveals a constant concern with questions of identity, namely with its perception within the respective cultural contexts, locally and globally. He reflects on the heritage of the decolonization processes and the questions of representation they involve, as well as the existing forms of neo-colonialism, criticising, in this sense, the role of the cultural system. Showing his work regularly, both nationally and internationally, these are some of his solo exhibitions: To reach point zero / tentando alcançar o ponto zero, Nuno Centeno Gallery (Oporto, 2009), Matter of Trust, Nottingham Contemporary (London, 2014) and Oikonomia: A Matter of Trust, Echos on the wall, National Museum of Contemporary Art (Lisbon, 2015). He has also participated in relevant group exhibitions, like the 29th São Paulo Biennial, in 2011, and Accumulation, Displacement, Deletion, Rearrangement, and insistence Narrative Projects, in 2013. Some of his most recent works were shown in the (sunsight!)/(sunclipse!) exhibition, at 3+1 Contemporary Art Gallery, in Lisbon, in which he not only revisited the Arraiolos tapestries, significant elements in previous researches, but also showed a new aspect of his work, characterised by texts and sentences in stainless steel. His work is represented in relevant public and private collections, nationally and internationally, like the Nacional Museum of Contemporary Art (Lisbon), Saatchi Collection (London), MAR – Rio Art Museum (Rio de Janeiro), Navikula Artis (St. Petersburg) and Imago Mundi – Benetton Foundation (Italy).
FMV, October 2020