Lending Policy
MACAM contributes to the dissemination of knowledge by supporting national and international initiatives aimed at publicising and promoting the works and artists in its collection.
MACAM will consider the temporary transfer of the cultural goods in its collection with a view to promoting collaboration and sharing between museums and other institutions.
Temporary loan requests
Requests for the temporary transfer of works from the collection should be addressed to the MACAM management via macam@macam.pt, taking account of the following points:
- Requests for national events must be made at least six months in advance.
- Requests for international events must be made at least nine months in advance.
- The requesting organisation must send the Facility Report with detailed information on the space where the work(s) will be exhibited, together with a record of the environmental conditions there over the last six months.
- The importance of the event and the availability and state of conservation of the work(s) requested will be analysed by MACAM’s curatorial and conservation team, who will give their opinion for the final decision by the Board of Directors.
- Once a loan has been approved, the loan conditions will be sent to the requesting organization. Only once these conditions have been accepted will the loan contract be signed.
- Loan insurance (‘nail to nail’) must be taken out with the MACAM Collection’s insurance provider or another provider to be defined by the two institutions.
- The work(s) will only be sent out on loan if the insurance conditions and loan contract have been signed in advance.
- MACAM may appoint a courier to accompany the work(s) on loan.
- All costs associated with the loan of the work(s), packaging, transport, the courier’s journey, insurance and restoration, where necessary, will be the responsibility of the requesting organisation.