
José Manuel Ciria

José Manuel Ciria (1960, Manchester, United Kingdom) is a painter of Spanish nationality who defines his work as poetic-abstract, with which he generates a dialogue between the fluidity of the plastic matter and the rigor of geometry.

Ciria has a long curriculum of exhibitions, among which: Mark Rothko Art Center, Daugavpils, Letonia (2015); Museum of Latin American Memorial Foundation, São Paulo, Brazil (2014); MAMBA – Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2013); National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, Romenia (2012); Amarillo Museum of Art, Texas, USA (2011); Museum of Modern Art, Medellín, Colombia (2010); Museum of Art from El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador (2009); Museum of Anthropology and Contemporary Art, Guayaquil, Ecuador (2009); Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago de Chile, Chile (2009); Museum of Modern Art, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (2008); National Gallery, Kingston, Jamaica (2008); Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2007); Kunsthalle PasquArt, Bern, Switzerland (2005); Museo de Arte Abstracto Manuel Felguérez, Zacatecas, Mexico (2005); Museo Chihuahuense de Arte Contemporáneo, Chihuahua, Mexico (2005); State Museum Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia (2004); National Museum of Poland, Warsaw, Poland (2004); Museo de Bellas Artes de Astúrias, Oviedo, Spain (2003); Museo Extremenño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo, Badajóz, Spain (2000).

Ciria is represented in public collections such as Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain; State Museum Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia; Albertina Museum, Vienna, Austria; Museo Regional de Arte Moderno, Cartagena, Spain; Museu do Vidro Santos Barosa, Marinha Grande, Portugal; Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, USA; Colección Municipal de Arte Contemporáneo, Madrid; Fundación Barceló, Palma de Mallorca, Spain; Fundación José Ortega y Gasset, Madrid; Museo Municipal de Alcorcón, Madrid; Mustassaren Kulturitalolla, Vaasa, Finland.


PS, November 2020





  • El Vuelo (da série «El Grito») [O Voo (da série «O Grito»]
    El Vuelo (da série «El Grito») [O Voo (da série «O Grito»]

    José Manuel Ciria