Emília Nadal
Emília Nadal (1938, Lisbon, Portugal) studied painting at the Lisbon Superior School of Fine Arts. Besides the painting course, Nadal specialized in printmaking (1974, Cooperativa de Gravura, Lisbon), holography (1983, Goldsmith College, London, UK) and ceramics at the António Arroio School of Decorative Arts, still in her adolescence. Therefore, Nadal has a transdisciplinary production that includes painting and drawing, printmaking, objects, video performance and staging for theatre.
Nadal developed a relevant artistic work, of social and political character, commenting on themes of the Portuguese society of her time such as the colonial war and gender questions related to the role of women in society.
She received the Anunciação and the Lupi Award of painting by the Lisbon Fine Arts National Academy (1959); Honorable Mention in the XVI Joan Miró Drawing Award, Barcelona (1977) and Edition Awards at the I and II National Printmaking Exhibition (1977 and 1979). She is the author of scenographies for the Gulbenkian Ballet and the D. Maria II National Theatre.
Standing out among the solo exhibitions: Imperativos [Imperatives] 1970-2015. O Tempo e as Circunstâncias [Time and Circumstances], Archeology and Ethnology Museum, Setúbal, Portugal (2015): Tempo de ver [A Time to see], National Museum of Decorative Arts, Viana do Castelo (Portugal); Landscapes 1972-2006, National Museum of Archeology, Silves, Portugal (2006); Paisagens Imaginárias [Imaginary Landscapes], Historical Archive, Macau (1989); O Traje na Dança [Costume in Dance], Museu Nacional do Traje, Lisboa (1988); Paysages Obliques, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Paris, France (1983); Propostas para embalagem de conteúdos naturais e imaginários liofilizados, [Proposal for the packaging of natural and imaginary liophilized contents], Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis, Oporto, Portugal (1977); Dez decomposições [Tem decompositions], Modern Art Gallery – National Society of Fine Arts, Lisbon (1976). Nadal is represented in various national collections, among which: CAM – Modern Art Centre, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon; Serralves Contemporay Art Museum, Oporto; Berardo Collection; Tomar National Museum; Caixa Geral de Depósitos Collection and Funchal Contemporary Art Gallery, Madeira.
PS, June 2021