
Luis Dourdil


Luís Dourdil was born on the 8th November 1914 and he passed away in 1989, in the city of Lisbon. He was a self-taught artist, greatly connected to painting, although he started his career with drawing. His works revolve around popular themes, namely the people of Alfama, Ribeira and the workers. His travels through Europe would contribute to this approach, where his vision fully merged with his artistic expression. He participated in various solo and group exhibitions, such as Drawing and Engraving Salon”, SNBA, 1964-65, Lisbon, “Portuguese Contemporary Art”, Brasilia, São Paulo, 1976 or “Portuguese Painting”, Almada Negreiros Gallery, 1985, in Lisbon. Luís Dourdil won several awards such as the Drawing Prize of Casa da Imprensa, Lisbon, and his work is represented in various museums, foundations and institutions, such as CNAP, Museu da Farmácia, Berardo Collection Museum or the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.


JFB, July 2022




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    Luis Dourdil