
Sara Sara & André

Sara & André were born in Lisbon in 1980 and 1979, respectively, where they live and work. They started their collaboration around 2000, and began presenting themselves as Sara & André in 2004. They both completed their degrees in 2005, Sara in Realização Plástica de Espetáculos at the Theatre and Cinema Superior School, and André in Plastic Arts, at the Art and Design Superior School of Caldas da Rainha. Between 2008 and 2011, they studied Painting together at the National Society of Fine Arts, in Lisbon. They’ve been showing their work regularly since 2006, and participated in various solo and group exhibitions in museums, galleries and independent spaces, such as The Fine Arts Collector, Quadrum Gallery, Lisbon, 2022; F for… (in cooperation with Francisco), Balcony Contemporary Gallery, Lisbon, 2021; O efeito do observador, Centro de Artes Olicca, São João da Madeira, 2021; Ainda, Appleton Box, Lisbon, 2020; A metade do céu, Fundação Arpad Szenes Vieira da Silva, Lisbon, 2019; Bum! Pum! Fogo! Crac! Bang, O Armário, Lisboa, 2017; Exercício de Estilo, MNAC – Contemporary Art National Museum, Lisbon, 2014; Claim to Fame, PLMJ Foundation, Lisbon, 2010. They participated in several artistic residences and, in 2017, they curated the exhibition cycle Curated Curators, at Zaratan – Contemporary Art, in Lisbon, from which the book A Brief History of Curatorship (Documenta, Lisbon, 2019) was published. They later did curatorship projects at Maus Hábitos, Oporto, and at MIAA, in Abrantes, in 2021 and 2022. They conceived the special edition of the magazine Contemporânea “Questionnaire to 263 Artists”, Lisbon, 2021. They were also part of the Contemporary Art Acquisition Commission of the Ministry of Culture, between 2019 and 2020, and participated in the Arts National Plan programme, Alhandra, 2020.

Their work is represented in various public and private collections, such as AR.CO – Art and Visual Communication Centre, Fernando Figueiredo Ribeiro Collection, PLMJ Foundation, MAAT/EDP Foundation, MNAC – Contemporary Art National Museum or the Norlinda and José Lima Collection.


MACAM, October 2022




  • O que é um Autor?
    O que é um Autor?

    Sara Sara & André

  • Textos de Intervenção
    Textos de Intervenção

    Sara Sara & André