Guided tour: “A Collection in Two Stages”
Sat, Mar 29 11am

Meeting point: Entrance Hall
The aim of this visit is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the MACAM collection, based on the trajectory of its constitution and its curatorial direction.
The visit is divided into two parts, which will take place in different spaces: the first part, which will focus on Portuguese art, will take a more conventional approach, focusing on the artistic movements that marked the modernity of Portuguese art, with renowned artists such as José Malhoa, Almada Negreiros, Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso or Maria Helena Vieira da Silva, who will be present in Gallery 1.
The second moment, which will take place in Gallery 2, portrays an intense phase of expansion and internationalization of the collection, through a thematic and dialogical approach, which places national and international contemporary artists side by side, such as Thomas Ruff, André Cepeda, Paula Rego or Marina Abramovic'.