
Jorinde Voigt


Jorinde Voigt (1977, Frankfurt am Main, Germany) studied Philosophy and Literature at the Georg-August Universität, Gottingen, Germany (1996-97); at the Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany (1998); at the Universität der Kunst, Berlin (1999-2001), with Professor Christiane Moebus (1947, Celle, Germany); Visual Art Studies at the Royal College of Art, London, United Kingdom (2001), in an Erasmus programme and again at the Universität der Kunst, Berlin (2001-2004), with Professor Katharina Sieverding (1944, Prague, Czech Republic). Since 2014, she is a professor at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, in Munich, Germany.

Voigt uses drawing as a means to explore perception and the visual representation of information. The artist experiments with various techniques and materials, coloured compositions with several drawing tools, stamping and collages.

Voigt has held relevant solo exhibitions, namely: Universal turn, Horst-jannsen Museum, Oldenburg, Germany (2019); Uncanny values, MAK, Vienna, Austria (2019); Imaginary frontiers, Boghossian Foundation, Brussels, Belgium (2017); A new kind of joy, Kunsthalle Nünberg, Germany (2017); Partituren, Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Germany (2016); Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Tokyo, Japan (2015); Kunsthalle Krems, Austria (2015); MACRO, Rome, Italy (2014); Ludwig van Beethoven sonate 1-32, Langen Foundation, Neuss, Germany (2014); Teckingsmuseet, Laholm, Sweden (2011); Rosenkranz kubus, Mudeum der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig, Germany (2010) and at the Kunstverein Villa Wessel, Iserlohn, Germany (2010).

Her work is represented in many international museums, among which the MoMA – Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA; Centre Pompidou, Paris, France; Bundeskunstsammlung Bonn, Germany; Kunstsammlung Gera, Germany; Collection Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland; Landesmuseum Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle, Germany; Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Germany; Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany; Graphische Sammlung, Munich, Germany, and Sammlung Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Münster, Germany.


PS, November 2020




  • Blickwinkel / Territorium / Elektrizität [Perspectiva / Território / Eletricidade]
    Blickwinkel / Territorium / Elektrizität [Perspectiva / Território / Eletricidade]

    Jorinde Voigt