Manuel Gamboa
Manuel Rosário Gamboa das Neves was born in 1925 in Lagoa, and passed away in the city of Portimão in 2020, at 94 years old. He started his artistic career with a scholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation which allowed him to study and, during the 1950’s, he attended workshops by various Lisbon artists and, simultaneously, he maintained contact with some of his contemporary poets and writers. After a brief passage through Paris, in 1960, he settled in Hamburg, Germany, where he practiced his professional artistic activity until 1987, when he returned to Portugal. In spite of the predominance of painting, drawing and sculpture in his work, he explored other artistic media such as ceramics and tapestry. With an extensive graphic work, he participated in various solo exhibitions, namely: Painting and Drawing, Diário de Notícias Gallery, Lisbon, 1959, or Painting and Objects, Lãngste Galerie Hamburgs, Hamburg, 1987. From his group exhibitions, the following stand out: Mais para o 25 de Abril, São Mamede Gallery, Lisbon, 1974, or the 1st itinerant World Artists Exhibition against Atomic Energy, Stange Gallery, Hamburg, 1981. He received various prizes throughout the years and his work is represented in several public and private collections.
JFB, July 2022