Sem título [Untitled]

Indian ink on tracing paper
30 x 23 cm
Using a stylized accurate language, this drawing, probably still created during Cruzeiro Seixas' years in the Merchant Navy, shows us an atmosphere of classic inspiration, with some reminiscences of Chirico. Architectural fragments blend with organic forms creating a hybrid being. Fragments of other different bodies are added to produce the central character. An apparently human head crowns a body made up of various spherical elements, such as large globular cliffs through which a stream of water flows and falls. Architectural elements such as an aqueduct and a fish tail complete this strange body, that seems to have fallen from a tragic flight. Undulating and torn structures that suggest heavy broken wings recall the artist's claim that he did not create wings to fly but to fall. As if made of stone, these wavy wings endow the composition with great spatial dynamics.
Shaped in two colours, the black of the Indian ink and the white of the support, it is the surgical precision of the line that shapes the composition, creating a sense of volume that plays with perception, making us wonder about a sense of interiority or exteriority in some elements. Playing with void and full shapes, with light and shadow, the elements acquire a clear sculptural and dreamlike, ghostly, quality. As if still suspended by the two parallel diagonals that almost cut the composition in two moments, the flight and the fall, this hybrid and strange being seems to struggle his fate, rising against all odds.
Shaped in two colours, the black of the Indian ink and the white of the support, it is the surgical precision of the line that shapes the composition, creating a sense of volume that plays with perception, making us wonder about a sense of interiority or exteriority in some elements. Playing with void and full shapes, with light and shadow, the elements acquire a clear sculptural and dreamlike, ghostly, quality. As if still suspended by the two parallel diagonals that almost cut the composition in two moments, the flight and the fall, this hybrid and strange being seems to struggle his fate, rising against all odds.